3 thoughts on “Taking Play Seriously – My week of LEGO!

  1. johobbs2016 says:

    I have recently brought the lego method to the attention of my colleagues as a result of talking with Lizzie Coles-Kemp. I think this approach looks interesting and stimulating and would like to know if you have used it in public engagement exercises? I am interested in your INVOLVE conference paper ‘It ain’t what you do it’s the way that you do it!’: Facilitation techniques for patient and public involvement.

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    1. Delia Muir says:

      Hi, Thanks for getting in touch. I haven’t used the Lego method in that context yet. I’m planning to at an event in April. I’ll keep you posted! You could try contacting Daniel Wolstenholme (http://research.shu.ac.uk/lab4living/about/people/daniel-wolstenholme) and Joe Langley (http://www.nihr.ac.uk/our-faculty/trainees/meet-some-of-our-trainees/meet-the-kmr-fellows/kmr-fellow-joe-langley.htm) They are both based in Sheffield. They were on the same course as me and I believe they have used it recently. The INVOLVE session was a workshop. Is there anything specific you would like to know? There’s a bit more about my ideas on facilitation here https://deliamuir.wordpress.com/2016/05/26/it-aint-what-you-do-its-the-way-that-you-do-it-some-thoughts-on-facilitaion/



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